The D&D Dictionary: Deciphering Dungeons & Dragons Game Lingo

Diving into Dungeons & Dragons? It’s a thrilling world, rich in lore and bursting with vibrant tales at every turn. But, let’s be honest – it can also feel like learning a new language. Whether you’re a fresh adventurer or a returning champion, we’ve put together a straightforward A-Z guide to help you out. Think of it as your friendly neighborhood tavern keeper sharing tales over a coldmug. Grab your dice, gather around, and let’s make sense of the magic, monsters, and mayhem that make D&D the legendary game it is. Ready to begin? Let’s roll!

  • A
    • Ability Score: Numerical representation of a character’s basic attributes, e.g., Strength, Dexterity.
    • Advantage: Rolling two d20s for an action and taking the higher result.
    • Arcana: Knowledge about magic, spells, and magical creatures.
    • Attack of Opportunity: A reaction melee attack when an enemy leaves your reach.
    • Alignment: Character’s moral and ethical compass, e.g., Lawful Good, Chaotic Neutral.
    • Armor Class (AC): A number representing how hard it is to successfully land a hit on someone.
  • B
    • Barbarian: A class known for their rage and combat prowess.
    • Bard: A class who uses music and performance for magic and combat.
    • Buff: A positive effect placed on a character, often from spells.
    • Beholder: A type of monster, known for its floating eye and various eye beams.
    • Bardic Inspiration: A unique ability of bards to inspire others, granting bonus to their rolls.
    • Bonus Action: A type of action that is quicker than a regular action, allowing more than one to be taken in a turn.
  • C
    • Cantrip: A simple magic spell that doesn’t use up spell slots.
    • Cleric: A class devoted to deities, channeling divine power.
    • Critical Hit (Crit): A perfect attack, often dealing double damage.
    • Campaign: A series of adventures forming an overarching storyline.
    • Conjuration: A school of magic focused on summoning and teleportation.
    • Challenge Rating (CR): A measure of how dangerous a monster is.
  • D
    • Dungeon Master (DM): The game’s narrator, referee, and storyteller.
    • Druid: A class in tune with nature, able to shape-shift into animals.
    • D20: A twenty-sided dice, fundamental in determining outcomes in D&D.
    • Divination: A school of magic centered on foresight, prophecy, and knowledge.
    • Darkvision: The ability to see in darkness as if it were dim light.
    • Deception: A skill focused on lying and misleading.
  • E
    • Eldritch Knight: A fighter subclass that mixes weapon skills with magic.
    • Evocation: A school of magic focused on manifesting energy and matter.
    • Experience Points (XP): Points accumulated from adventures, which lead to leveling up.
    • Elemental Plane: Alternate dimensions made up of one of the core elements.
    • Encumbrance: A rule detailing how much a character can carry based on their strength.
    • Expertise: A character trait that allows doubling the proficiency bonus for certain skills.
  • F
    • Familiar: A magical creature summoned to assist wizards and other spellcasters.
    • Feats: Special talents or abilities that provide various benefits.
    • Fighter: A class skilled in physical combat and weapon use.
    • Fey: Magical creatures often associated with nature, like sprites and pixies.
    • Flanking: Positioning on opposite sides of an enemy to gain an advantage in combat.
    • Focus: An object used to channel magical energy, e.g., a wand or an orb.
  • G
    • Gnome: A small, cunning race known for their inquisitiveness and engineering skills.
    • Goblin: A small, often malicious creature found in many campaigns.
    • Grapple: A combat maneuver to seize and hold an opponent.
    • Greatsword: A two-handed melee weapon dealing slashing damage.
    • Guild: An organized group of individuals with shared interests or professions.
  • H
    • Halfling: A small, agile race, known for their luck and bravery.
    • Hit Points (HP): Numerical representation of a character’s health.
    • Healing Potion: A consumable item used to restore hit points.
    • Haste: A spell that speeds up the actions of a target.
    • Hexblade: A warlock subclass that bonds with a sentient weapon.
  • I
    • Initiative: A roll to determine the order of turns in combat.
    • Illusion: A school of magic focused on creating false images or perceptions.
    • Inspiration: A mechanic that rewards players for role-playing, allowing for advantageous rolls.
    • Incantation: The spoken component of a spell.
    • Innate Spellcasting: The ability to cast spells without needing to prepare them.
  • J
    • Javelin: A one-handed thrown weapon.
    • Jester: Often used to describe playful or mocking bards.
    • Journey: A long travel, often involving multiple encounters.
  • K
    • Kobold: Small, reptilian creatures, often seen as minions.
    • Knight: A warrior granted an honorary title and associated with chivalry.
    • Ki: Energy points used by monks to fuel their special abilities.
  • L
    • Lich: A powerful undead spellcaster.
    • Longsword: A versatile one-handed melee weapon.
    • Loot: Items and treasure obtained from adventures.
    • Level: A measure of a character’s power and experience.
    • Lightning Bolt: A powerful evocation spell.
  • M
    • Magic Missile: A spell that always hits its target.
    • Monk: A class focused on martial arts and inner energy (Ki).
    • Multiclassing: Adopting levels in more than one class.
    • Mace: A blunt melee weapon.
    • Metagaming: Using out-of-character knowledge in-character.
  • N
    • Necromancy: A school of magic associated with death and undead.
    • NPC (Non-Player Character): Characters in the story controlled by the Dungeon Master.
    • Neutral: An alignment that doesn’t lean towards good or evil, lawful or chaotic.
    • Natural 20 (Nat 20): Rolling a 20 on a d20, typically a critical success.
  • O
    • Orc: A brutish, aggressive humanoid creature.
    • Oath: A solemn pledge that paladins adhere to, defining their path and abilities.
    • Opportunity Attack: A reaction attack taken when an enemy leaves your reach.
    • Outlander: A background that represents a character raised in the wilds.
  • P
    • Paladin: A holy warrior, a champion of a divine cause.
    • Potion: A consumable liquid that grants various effects when consumed.
    • Proficiency: A character’s aptitude in certain skills, weapons, or tools.
    • Psionics: Powers of the mind that grant psychic abilities.
  • Q
    • Quest: An adventurous journey undertaken by characters.
    • Quiver: A container for holding arrows.
  • R
    • Rogue: A class skilled in stealth, cunning, and dexterity-based tasks.
    • Ranger: A warrior of the wilderness.
    • Ritual: A type of spellcasting that doesn’t consume a spell slot.
    • Resurrection: A powerful spell capable of bringing the dead back to life.
  • S
    • Sorcerer: A spellcaster with innate magical abilities.
    • Spellbook: A wizard’s collection of learned spells.
    • Short Rest: A brief downtime where characters can recuperate.
    • Saving Throw: A roll made to resist certain effects or spells.
  • T
    • Thief: An archetype of the rogue class, specialized in stealing and stealth.
    • Turn Undead: A clerical ability to repel or destroy undead creatures.
    • Tribe: A social group, typically used to refer to orcs, goblins, and other humanoid factions.
    • Two-Handed: Weapons that require both hands to use.
  • U
    • Undead: Creatures that have died and been brought back in a new, unholy form.
    • Unarmed Strike: An attack made without a weapon.
    • Unseen Servant: A spell that creates an invisible force to serve the caster.
  • V
    • Vampire: A powerful undead creature that consumes the life force of the living.
    • Vow: A solemn promise, often associated with paladins.
    • Vision: Different types of sight, like darkvision or truesight.
  • W
    • Wizard: A spellcaster who learns magic from intense study.
    • Warlock: A spellcaster who derives power from a pact with a supernatural entity.
    • Wild Shape: A druid’s ability to transform into animals.
    • Weapon Proficiency: The ability to use certain types of weapons effectively.
  • X
    • Xanathar: A beholder crime lord from Waterdeep and the eponymous character of “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.”
    • Xorn: A creature native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, known for consuming precious gems and metals.
  • Y
    • Yuan-ti: A race of snake-like humanoids.
    • Yawning Portal: An iconic tavern in Waterdeep with an entrance to the infamous dungeon Undermountain.
    • Yochlol: A shape-changing demon that serves Lolth, the drow goddess.
  • Z
    • Zombie: An undead creature, often raised by necromantic magic.
    • Zone of Truth: A spell that forces those within its radius to speak only the truth.
    • Zephyr Strike: A spell that increases a ranger’s mobility and damage for a short time.